By: Evan Lucyk

Recently there’s been a shift in the mining industry, from focusing on transactions to long term value based relationships. We are moving from just providing or selling products to providing and not specifically selling—focusing on really helping our customers with their needs and offering solutions, and making sure there’s continuous follow-up post-sale. It is a concept which provides long term business relationships which benefit both parties involved, building trust and stability for both.

After all, with the pandemic, the whole global market is bursting wide open right now, offering countless and far-reaching opportunities for customers to look globally for products. So, if customers are only looking for a product, they can get that from anywhere.

However—and this is where the shift is being seen—if you want to have the customer service and support aspects wrapped up in the equation, you need to look local and find companies that are offering you solutions via a type of relationship: one where you get that support that you need and desire.

For us local companies that are able to provide such services, we can now focus on this as our real strength, as we go above and beyond only offering a product. Because let’s face it: That’s just no longer enough for customers. They have had it with transactional buying. It’s not personal, it creates an endless cycle of looking for new vendors, and it definitely isn’t giving customers the added support and beneficial services they require.

In fact, at Bit Service, we so often see customers who don’t even really realize their needs for such services until they arise—after the initial product purchase and post-installation of the product. Case in point: Transactional buying and selling is about meeting the customer’s immediate need once (the initial purchase of a product), but the customer service and support services are like the follow-up care that meet the “unfed” needs of the customer. These needs often arise well after the initial product purchase. And then what? If you have been part of a transactional sale, you’re simply out of luck.

That’s why Bit Service focuses on providing services and solutions. We know you can technically get your parts and products from anywhere (this is the age of technology and rush delivery, after all). However, it’s the things that set our company apart that we are confident will keep us shining stars among a sky filled with transactional sellers.

And what exactly sets us apart? If you couldn’t tell by now, it’s right in our name: Bit Service. We make sure that we follow-up with all of our customers, to find out whether or not the product they purchased works for them. We want the feedback: Did the product work? Did the installation go well? What issues are you experiencing now? How else can we help you? This level of service and our dedication to quality work for our customers is a core value in our company. 

If you’d like to hear more about how Bit Service can serve you, contact us today to get started.


