Project Managing Automation Implementations

In May, we introduced a Yaskawa Motoman robot in our Easterhazy facility to increase our production efficiency. It has made it possible for us to bring higher quality jobs to our staff and limit the tedious, repetitive work they are subject to. Our management team has been working to ensure the utmost productivity and that the bit product being produced by the robot is up to our standards. Introducing new machinery requires time and attention to program specifically for its particular use. From a project management perspective, keeping an eye on several aspects keeps your project running smoothly. 


Keep a Record of Information

Programming our Motoman hinged on making sure that what we produce is as similar as possible to the bits we were producing by hand. The final product has taken a lot of tweaking to make our bits up to the standard Bit Service promises. This means that our team in Esterhazy has been working hard to program the robot, so this automated step produces clean and consistent bits. When working to program as a team, it’s important to keep a clear record for information-sharing, so everyone involved can stay on the same page. 


In our case, ensuring that everyone is up to date with the latest programming shift with our Motoman by keeping clear documentation helps our workflow run smoothly. Programming the machine was a bit of a learning process because the program needed to be updated many times to allow us to change dimensions and variables of the robot when it was carrying out its processes. Before we were happy with the final product, we went through a lot of trial and error. We tried quite a few different scenarios to learn how the arm turns and which forces are involved.


Open Communication

When managing any project, it is essential to set clear goals and expectations. Open communication helps keep work running smoothly and makes checking in on progress seamless. Regular meetings have been instrumental in keeping us on track as they help us report progress and troubleshoot any problems as a team.


In the beginning, direction for the operators came from management in Saskatoon. However, we quickly passed it off to the Esterhazy team because they are the ones who work with the machine daily and will be maintaining updates. We have a lot of trust in our team, which means relying on their expertise is easy from a management perspective. 


Operators must know the machine's quirks and this new way of doing things to see how the machine runs best. It's much more streamlined if they know they can change it instead of waiting for somebody from up here to tell them they can change it.


You empower your workers when you allow them to make decisions themselves. Removing the barrier of having to check-in before making each adjustment has streamlined our programming, especially since the project's management team is based in Saskatoon and cannot be on-site to monitor progress daily. 


Keeping Staff as Safe as Possible


Automation has also helped us improve safety conditions for our staff. While we keep our process for grinding bits as safe as possible with the technology available, it has never been 100% safe. When the Yaskawa Motoman robot is running, it is contained within a closed-cell so no one can go near it until the machine has completely stopped. We've been able to distance our staff from the grinding stone with the introduction of our robot, significantly improving safety. Operators do not need to stand directly beside the robot to ensure it is doing what we would like—observation can be done from a distance. As well, this kind of work is quite repetitive and can cause repetitive strain injuries for some, and utilizing the robot cuts down on these injuries. 


As a manager, it is a huge benefit to be able to increase the safety of staff. Lowering the likelihood of workplace injury and time loss boosts productivity and morale.  


What's Next? 


Management learned a lot from implementing this robot that can be utilized the next time a robot is implemented. It allowed us to think more about what we could automate going forward because we have a grand plan for our Esterhazy facility. This project even sparked thought about how our Saskatoon shop could use robotics going forward. 


At Bit Service, we strive for efficiency in everything we do. If we can be working smarter, not harder, we can stay excited about increased automation giving our staff more opportunities.


Techniques for Improved Cutting Performance


Robotic Implementation