By: Evan Lucyk

With all we have experienced in the world in the last year, stay-at-home and remote work mandates, etc.—it has led to many conversations in our own office and production facility about making sure that we are taking care of ourselves, physically and mentally. The harsh reality is that with restrictions and more people working from home, as well as the general circumstances of the pandemic, everyone is finding themselves a little worn down.

At Bit Service, we have had both administration and office staff work from home, in makeshift offices, as well as our warehouse and manufacturing staff, who are still onsite and working a physically demanding job. What both of these groups share is that their situations can present issues for their health that need to be addressed. In a nutshell: Whether it be at home or in a warehouse, we all need a workplace that is outfitted to meet our changing needs.

We wanted to not just talk about these problems we saw arising, but instead offer permanent solutions, both for those working from home and sitting far more than usual and for folks like our hard-working warehouse crew, whose bodies take a toll from daily, physically demanding tasks. Because let’s face it: What was considered a temporary stage before—which allowed for equally temporary solutions—has become a more permanent stage in many cases, thus requiring the need for solutions conducive for the long haul.


For those working from home, having an ergonomically on-point home office is vital to your health. Studies have shown that such office setups have increased productivity and offered a wealth of health benefits to the worker. Before, when we thought work-from-home restrictions would be temporary, a lot of makeshift solutions were introduced for office set-ups, many of which were not good for you. If you are one of those still working from your home “office,” try these two tips to make your workspace more ergonomic:

*Check your posture: Many people, without realizing it, are sitting in positions (and chairs) that cause them to stoop, slouch, or don’t offer adequate positioning or support. This slouching and misaligned posture can cause spinal ligaments to stretch beyond their healthy limit and can strain your spinal discs. There is even a name for it: Poor posture syndrome, and it’s not pretty. To help avoid this, try to adjust your chair’s height, if possible so that your feet rest flat on the floor or a footrest and have your thighs parallel to the floor.

*Combat Computer Vision Syndrome: Computer Vision Syndrome, also known as digital eye strain, is common among people who spend a lot of time in front of the screen and can result in headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and neck and shoulder pain. Help alleviate these effects by taking 20-second breaks to view something 20 feet away every 20 minutes.


If you, like our own warehouse crew members, have a physically demanding job, try these tips to help protect your health:

*Maintain a healthy diet: We all know we are what we eat. But when you work a physically demanding job, you want to make sure you have a balanced diet, and you’re maintaining your blood sugar, so that you have the energy to work hard. Lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and protein are key.

*Hydrate hydrate hydrate: Hydration is so important. Drinking enough water each day makes sure that your joints are lubricatied, your body temp is regulated, and it helps to increase your energy and relieve fatigue. You’ll be able to focus better, and be more alert, which is 100% needed in physically demanding jobs.

*Massage it out: Ideally, we would suggest getting regular massages from a licensed professional, but given the pandemic and restrictions, we suggest using a TENS or EMS device in lieu of your regular chiropractic and massage visits. These home therapeutic devices can help restore circulation to your muscles, stimulate muscle tissue, and loosen any knots. While it may not be an expert-level deep-tissue massage, it will at least give some long overdue attention to your back and your core, which studies have shown are the hardest working muscles in most physical labor-intensive jobs.

*Stretch it out: Stretching has been proven to not only improve flexibility, which directly aids in all physical activity performance but it also dramatically reduces your risk of injury. Other additional benefits are near countless, including improved circulation, improved muscle posture, and enhanced energy. And the best news is that it doesn’t take a lot of time to reap incredible rewards: Begin by ending the workday with a mere 10-20 minutes of stretching, and you’ll be amazed at the results.

*Reduce stress: Although most people think of stress as taking a mental and emotional toll on us, the physical effects that stress produces cannot be denied. It’s for this reason that reducing stress is of paramount importance. Be proactive and implement methods to reduce your stress. Small ways you can do this would be:

• Light a scented candle and meditate for several minutes in silence (scents like lavender are especially shown to reduce stress).

• Take a nap.

• Do some kind of gentle exercise. From yoga to taking a nice quiet stroll, engaging in any type of quiet, meditative activity can lower your stress levels exponentially.

For more tips and advice, and to explore how Bit Service can help you optimize your journey, contact us today.


